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Alcoholism and Depression

Both alcoholism and depression go hand in hand; yet sometimes it can be difficult to gauge which is the key influential factor. For some, drinking heavily has been used as a coping mechanism to work through depressive symptoms. For others, depression has developed due to alcohol misuse. And in further situations, both binge drinking and the feelings of depression influence each other.

Yet the common denominator is that both alcoholism and depression fuel one another, carrying great dangers for those suffering.

If you’re dealing with both alcoholism and depression, it is vital that sourcing support through rehabilitation is prioritised. By experiencing a behavioural illness, a higher risk is present when considering further addictive and mental health episodes. Likewise, living with alcoholism alone can be a difficult battle, similarly, living with depression alone can be a challenge. Yet the combination of both can result in severe side effects, health conditions, withdrawal symptoms and a substantially reduced quality of life.

If you’re struggling with alcoholism and depression, reach out today for support through an alcohol rehab treatment centre. Here at Step 1 Recovery, we specialise in addiction and mental health recovery, by offering our leading treatment options.

We can help you work through both alcoholism and depression separately, treating it as a dual diagnosis, while boosting your overall wellbeing. Reach out today to find out how our rehab programmes can ease this time for you.

What are the signs of alcoholism?

For many individuals living with a drinking problem, alcohol consumption may seem innocent; understanding the true severity of the situation can commonly be overlooked. As alcoholism can develop out of nowhere, it is important to understand the warning signs, and how to treat an alcohol addiction effectively.

Alcoholism is a behavioural illness, usually influenced by a depressive or stressful situation. Many individuals start drinking regularly to mask previous distressing episodes or current mental health issues.

One of the most spotted signs of alcoholism is the withdrawal symptoms experienced. Do you suffer with withdrawal symptoms in-between alcohol consumption? Common withdrawal symptoms will include paranoia, anxiety, irritability, nausea and sleep deprivation. Experiencing physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms will indicate how high units of alcohol have been consumed, influencing the body and mind to further crave consumption.

Alongside the presence of withdrawal symptoms, there are further symptoms of alcoholism which can help you identify whether innocent alcohol consumption has developed into an addiction. The inability to stop drinking is one of the main sings to look out for, prompting continuous binge drinking.

What are the signs of depression?

Do you regularly experience feelings of sadness? Or maybe you feel lower than usual, lacking inspiration or motivation to lead everyday life activities? Depression is a highly common mental health issue, causing a widespread problem across the world.

Depression can stem from many scenarios. Common diagnosis’s include post-natal depression, manic depression, major depression and bipolar disorder. It is a biological and psychological illness which can be triggered by a medical condition, the environment, previous distressing situations or addiction. Yet, the greatest correlation lies between depression and substance misuse.

Familiar signs of depression include low energy, low self-esteem, anxiety, guilt, aches and pains, difficulty sleeping and a constant feeling of unhappiness. If you believe that you’re suffering with depression, treatment options are available to support you. From anti-depressants, to regular therapy sessions, depression can be worked through. However, it is important that once you acknowledge that a mental health issue is present, that support is sourced immediately.

Without treating depression, further mental health issues are likely to develop, and in some very sad cases, suicidal thoughts will make an appearance. Yet this can be avoided by seeking psychological and social treatment.

How are alcoholism and depression linked?

Alcoholism and depression are two separate diagnosis’s yet are both behavioural illnesses which can be brought on by the environment, through further mental health issues, by medical issues or even distressing episodes.

Yet the difficulty of a dual diagnosis is that either of the illnesses can fuel the other, leading to greater damage. For individuals feeling low, the desire to drink alcohol and block out those depressive feelings may be present. Similarly, as high levels of alcohol are consumed, happy chemicals in the brain are suppressed, leading to depressive feelings. Therefore, this dual diagnosis can lead to a vicious circle, making recovery difficult.

Yet in this situation, recovery is probable by treating both illnesses individually here at Step 1 Recovery.

Accessing support to work through behavioural and mental health issues

If you’re living with a dual diagnosis of alcoholism and depression, it is vital that separate treatment options are recommended, effectively used to target each illness simultaneously.

When considering alcoholism, a variety of medical and psychological treatment options will be employed. Commonly, an alcohol detox will kickstart rehabilitation, helping to overcome withdrawal symptoms. From here, psychological treatment will be suggested to work through the underlying trigger, influencing chronic alcohol consumption. Frequently used treatment options include cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling sessions and motivational therapy.

When treating depression, again a mixture of treatments will be recommended. In most cases, anti-depressants will be prescribed to help clients work through the initial emotional rollercoaster. Yet alongside medical intervention, psychological support will be required to work through the mental impairments experienced.

In this situation, here at Step 1 Recovery, we will create a personalised treatment programme to work on both your alcoholism and depression. Suitable treatment options will be recommended, paired together to achieve full recovery.

It is highly important that both behavioural and mental health illnesses are treated. Without full recovery, the potential for future relapses or depressive episodes are likely.

As time progresses, either alcoholism or depression can further fuel the other, advancing the problem. Therefore, if you’re living with signs and symptoms of each, reaching out will help alleviate this time. Our specialised knowledge and treatments will help you heal both physically and psychologically.

Reach out by calling us on +44 (0) 800 012 6006 or completing our online contact form below.

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