The Rebound Effect You Get After Taking Drugs

Drugs, whether prescribed or illegal are consumed for their euphoric highs, their supportive assets, and their positive attributes.

However, commonly short-lived, such experiences are specific to consumption, soon inducing possible aftereffects of drug abuse, known as addiction comedown, the rebound effect and withdrawal fatigue.

The degree of rebound effects, experienced by users can vary, depending on the consumed substance, on the rate of consumption, on personal metabolism and on the presence of addiction.

As effects are different, placing users within varying risks after taking drugs, it’s very important to understand such rebound effects, and how to restore from their impacts.

Reasonably, the highs of drug abuse, standing as the contributor of addiction will soon follow by lows, by withdrawal and by cravings.

This is all part of the process, the makeup, and the intentions of short-lived drugs, showcasing their addictive imagery.

To understand the rollercoaster feelings that drugs motivate, here’s a breakdown of the rebound effect you get after taking drugs, including comedown symptoms, withdrawal fatigue and how to restore such feelings.

At Step One Recovery, we’re here to offer advice when needed throughout drug abuse and addiction.


Addiction Comedown

Once drugs have been consumed, their presence will impact both the body and brain. Positive feelings are encountered, usually described as highs.

While such highs are impactful, they are however short-lived, known as a contributing factor of addiction development.

As traces of drugs start to dwindle, reflecting withdrawal, comedown symptoms are very likely, placing the body and brain in shock, in a vulnerable situation, and in a low state.

This of course reflects the opposite experiences of drug abuse, which highlights how necessary ongoing consumption is for users to overcome addiction comedown.

Through this process, which will be ongoing for as long as drug consumption is experienced, addiction can easily develop, forming a cycle of habit, where consumption, followed by withdrawal, followed by comedown, followed by an addiction crash, and followed by further consumption will play out.

The rebound effect you get after taking drugs is in fact contradictory to drug makeup itself, as the purpose behind drug abuse, clouded by the assets of such substances, in fact, resides; not only making it hard to ultimately withdraw but also difficult to experience.


The Rebound Effect You Get After Taking Drugs

Drug consumption will usually be opted for to reduce pain, to induce relaxation, to escape from reality or to enhance motivation.

Resulting in supportive assets, drug consumption is found to fulfil such intentions, with notable highs.

However, the rebound effect you get after taking drugs in fact aggravates the initial causation of consumption. For example, drugs may be used to manage symptoms of mental health issues.

In the moment of consumption, escapism may be felt. However, once withdrawal kicks in, and the feelings of addiction comedown, such symptoms of mental health issues will in fact aggravate.

The rebound effect, therefore, influences ongoing consumption, to again feel the positives of drugs, amounting to a cycle of habitual behaviours.

It’s easy to see how the rebound effect you get after taking drugs can increase the risk of addiction, down to the plummeting lows that are expected post-withdrawal. Such lows can be very difficult to live with, which is a commonality through addiction diagnoses.

Feeling stuck within this cycle, users involuntarily continue to be exposed to drugs, to avoid the rebound effect. While understandably, this is however a dangerous cycle, down to the consequences of addiction and the possibility of withdrawal fatigue.


The Risks Of Withdrawal Fatigue

Withdrawal describes the process in which traces of drugs begin to lower through the metabolism. Experiences of withdrawal are expected in between each exposure to drugs, displaying comedown symptoms and the rebound effect.

While withdrawal is, therefore, a commonly encountered process, when experienced to a significant level, it can in fact increase the risks of withdrawal fatigue.

Withdrawal fatigue reflects substantial lows, reflects significantly low levels of energy, and also reflects dysfunctional functionality for both the body and brain.

As withdrawal fatigue can decrease physical and psychological wellbeing, avoiding such symptoms will be encouraged.

Yet, this is easier said than done, especially while latching onto ongoing consumption, to deter the presence of comedown and the rebound effect you get after taking drugs.

Throughout this process, users will not be fuelling an addiction, but will instead be chasing the highs, to avoid the consequences of addiction.

Such positive reinforcement clouds the outlook of users, which makes it harder to then break the cycle.

As withdrawal fatigue can incur lasting health problems, as can an addiction, it’s therefore very important to aim for restorative efforts, through addiction recovery steps.

Not only will this shine the light on the rebound effect of drug abuse, but it will also break the chain of consumption, to deter addiction crash.


Restoring Through Addiction Recovery Measures

Overcoming comedown symptoms will of course be fulfilled through ongoing drug abuse. However, such actions will naturally increase the strength of addiction, also meaning that a greater risk of withdrawal fatigue will be expected.

Down to this vicious cycle, induced by the rebound effect, it’s therefore important to consider restoring effects through addiction recovery measures.

To overcome such results, working backwards will be necessary, to promote safe withdrawal, restore the body and brain to its optimal functioning, and then tackle the causation of addiction.

By visiting a specialist rehab clinic, doing just that will be possible, by breaking the cycle, by considering how the rebound effect may be strengthening consumption desires and cravings, and by putting in measures of coping to deter future consumption.

Addiction treatment will be necessary to stabilise the body, increase psychological awareness of outlooks and choices, and to also treat and manage initial symptoms of consumption.

For example, if drugs have been abused to treat pain, which has resulted in a rebound of even greater pain, pain management will be necessary, to instead aim for positive coping.

The rebound effect you get after taking drugs is controlling, is negative, is vicious and is the fuel of many addictions. Deter its effects by experiencing a journey of addiction recovery, with our guidance here at Step One Recovery.

While comedowns, while withdrawal fatigue and while the lows of drug abuse may be outweighed by the highs, at the moment, through long-term addiction, such balance will soon change. Aim to manage your addictive behaviours with restorative efforts.