
Alcoholism or any form of addiction/mental health illness will of course impact the individual living through the side effects. However, negative impacts can also be experienced by those around them, including loved ones, family and friends and even peers.

Experiencing alcoholism can change a person. It can impact their physical and mental health, their ability to continue through normal life, their personality, their career, their finances, and even their relationships. Through this deterioration, there’s a high probability of alcoholism affecting marriage, with correlating impacts on divorce, legal problems and financial problems.

If you’re currently abusing alcohol and believe it is affecting your marriage, children or family unit, help is available. Understanding how addiction is placed on your loved one’s shoulders and how to overcome this is very important to maintain relationships. Here at Step 1 Recovery, we can help. See our below guidance on how alcoholism affecting marriage is dealt with, along with suitable addiction treatment through our partnering rehab centres. Support is also available for an entire family unit, for those living with an alcoholic spouse, or even affected children.

The impacts of alcoholism on life

Living with an alcohol use disorder can be detrimental for many areas of life. For those who drink heavily and suffer from alcoholism, the true reality experiencing an addictive behaviour is challenging. There are continuous obstacles to overcome, and that’s just through the day to day desire of alcohol consumption. Now imagine the obstacles and difficulties linked to additional life.

Alcoholism firstly affects the physical and mental health of an abuser. Long-term alcohol abuse will likely influence physical conditions, along with mental impairment. A dual diagnosis is also probable, including the likes of anxiety or depression.

A further detrimental impact of alcoholism is on relationships. There is vast research on alcoholism affecting marriage, friendships and family units. This is commonly down to the individual’s personality changing, their prioritise shifting and their abilities adapting. Alcohol consumption will be their main focus, making it difficult to maintain relationships.

For those suffering with alcohol abuse, financial and legal problems are also common. From the inability to continue working, to the associated risks of drink driving and domestic abuse. Although this isn’t experienced in every relationship, there is a link between abusing alcohol and irrational behaviours.

Again, alcoholism will not affect everyone the same. However, challenges are likely if alcohol is abused for the long-term.

Alcoholism affecting marriage and relationships

Addiction is difficult for the individual suffering, yet what about the immediate family who are witnessing this behaviour? On the understanding that addiction is a mental illness and can impact anyone, many marriages will continue. For some spouses, they will understand the exact underlying issue, fuelling substance abuse, and how to help their loved one.

However, this unfortunately isn’t the case for all marriages. Some individuals abusing alcohol will attempt to hide their addiction. Other relationships simply won’t be able to cope through the changing dynamics of alcoholism. Many spouses may blame themselves for this change in behaviour. Others will lack an understanding of addiction and the next best steps of addiction recovery.

This is the reality for many households, attempting to support an alcoholic. This is difficult. If you are experiencing a breakdown in a relationship, if alcoholism affecting your marriage is the reality, please be reassured that help is available.

Support for loved one through alcoholism

If you are witnessing a loved one abusing alcohol, there is help available. Here at Step 1 Recovery, we work with a number of specialist rehab facilities, who focus on addiction recovery and mental health issues. With their treatment programmes, they also provide treatment options for families, spouses and children, all affected by alcoholism.

Alcoholism affecting marriage is common. Some impacts may be minimal. For others, a significant rift may be experienced, requiring family therapy. Here, addiction counsellors will work to help those married understand the situation to hand, and how to work through the next steps. This treatment option will commonly take place once a number of addiction treatments have been completed by the individual abusing alcohol. This will increase the effectiveness of therapy. Family therapy will help the family of an alcoholic understand the underlying issue fuelling substance abuse. They will also learn ways to help their loved one rehabilitate, while controlling their own feelings and emotions.

Family therapy will also benefit the individual suffering, helping them see their loved ones as a strong support network. Support, strength and motivation are vital when looking to reach addiction recovery. By merging treatment options that will benefit the whole family unit, greater healing will be experienced; likely to increase the chances of long-term recovery.

To further strengthen relationships, support groups will be recommended. This will boost accountability, understanding and support while transitioning through rehab. Communicating with others who are experiencing alcoholism is an effective treatment option, helping to increase susceptibility.

If alcoholism is affecting your marriage, if you’re worried for the welfare of your partner, or if you believe you require therapy to work through the experiences with alcoholism, help is available. Please feel reassured that we can help you confidentially.

Finding help for yourself

If you’re personally suffering from alcoholism, please be reassured that addiction treatment is also readily available to support you. By reaching out to our team here at Step 1 Recovery, we can help you find the right rehab programme, promoting addiction recovery.

A wide range of addiction treatments will be accessible, commonly following a personalised treatment programme. From an alcohol detox programme and cognitive behavioural therapy, to ongoing support groups, you will experience proven methods to diminish a physical and psychological dependence.

Alongside personal treatment options, we will encourage family therapy to not only benefit your loved ones, but to also strengthen your support and trust at this difficult time. Having knowledge that your loved ones are around you and hoping for full addiction recovery commonly fuels greater motivation to rehabilitate.

If alcoholism is affecting your marriage, please do not feel alone. We can help you and your loved one through this difficult time. Through addiction treatments and family therapy, we can aim to bring a family unit back together, while achieving addiction recovery.