How Does Cocaine Make You Lose Weight? - an image of a man holding a bag of cocaine in his hand.

Does cocaine make you lose weight? Well, while it’s a fact that this substance can have countless effects on the body, the relationship between cocaine use and weight, more specifically, isn’t as straightforward as it might seem.

Discover whether it’s true that this substance causes adverse effects to our weight below.

Does Cocaine Cause Weight Loss?

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that’s classified as a Schedule II controlled substance in the UK and in most countries due to its high potential for abuse and addiction.

There are many dangers associated with cocaine abuse which can affect both the short-term and long-term health of individuals. Cocaine stimulates the brain’s reward system by increasing the levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.

With repeated use, the brain becomes dependent on cocaine to release dopamine, leading to addiction. Addiction can have severe consequences on a person’s life, relationships, and overall well-being.

Promises Behavioural Health explains that, whilst the belief that cocaine can lead to weight loss is quite common, it’s important to emphasise that this notion is based on anecdotal experiences and not supported by scientific evidence.

While cocaine is a powerful stimulant that can suppress appetite and increase metabolism in the short term, its use is associated with numerous negative health effects and does not promote sustainable weight loss.

Understanding How Cocaine Affects the Body

Cocaine can have a detrimental effect on your body.

Cocaine abuse can cause elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, and irregular heart rhythms, which may lead to heart attacks, strokes, or other cardiovascular complications.

Cocaine use can also constrict blood vessels, increasing the risk of damage to organs and tissues. In addition to these awful physical effects, there are also psychological health risks of cocaine use including anxiety, paranoia, irritability, and aggression. Some people may experience hallucinations or psychosis, characterised by losing touch with reality.

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that affects the central nervous system. It stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which can lead to feelings of euphoria and decreased appetite. As a result, individuals who use cocaine may experience a temporary loss of appetite and consume fewer calories.

However, the weight loss experienced during cocaine use is primarily due to factors such as reduced food intake and increased physical activity rather than any inherent fat-burning properties of the drug. Additionally, the weight loss is not sustained because the effects of cocaine are temporary, and the drug’s negative consequences far outweigh any potential benefits related to weight loss.

Why Does Cocaine Make You Lose Weight?

Many people ask, “does cocaine cause weight loss”? Whilst appetite suppression and cocaine are often linked, there are now many people who are challenging this belief. Cocaine use can cause a delay in food intake, as individuals who take the drug may initially have less interest in eating than usual which may lead to short-term weight loss.

However, once these effects wear off, you may feel as though you’re eating more than usual to compensate for not eating properly during this period. Your appetite has the potential to suddenly increase, causing you to snack excessively or overeat, which will of course contribute to weight gain. Cocaine users may also show less restraint over their diets and have a greater tendency to reach for fatty, high-calorie foods that contribute more to weight gain, particularly as these are often seen as ‘comfort’ foods that many people consume to help cope with anxiety, depression, and other common symptoms of withdrawal.

Cocaine’s Influence on Appetite and Eating Habits

One of the common effects of cocaine use is appetite suppression. The drug can suppress hunger signals and reduce the desire to eat. As cocaine stimulates the release of dopamine, this can suppress your appetite centre in the brain and lead to a decreased interest in food. Because of this, many people question the link between cocaine use and metabolism or whether cocaine makes you lose weight. As individuals abusing cocaine are more likely to neglect their nutrition and consume fewer calories than their body requires, cocaine abuse could lead to significant and unhealthy weight loss.

People may also question the link between cocaine and weight loss because it can disrupt normal eating patterns, causing you to engage in bingeing on large amounts of food before or after cocaine use. This behaviour can be triggered by the drug’s effects on the brain’s reward system.

Additionally, cocaine use can lead to nutritional deficiencies due to inadequate dietary intake and poor eating habits. Individuals under the influence of cocaine may prioritise drug use over proper nutrition, leading to a lack of essential nutrients which of cause may result in unhealthy weight loss. Despite all this, it is possible that some people may experience increased appetite or irregular eating patterns while using cocaine.

It’s important to understand that cocaine use is associated with numerous negative health effects and can have severe consequences. The effects on appetite and eating habits discussed above are just some of the many risks and complications associated with cocaine use. If you or someone you know is struggling, it’s crucial that you seek help for cocaine addiction immediately.

Health Risks and Dangers of Cocaine Use

Addiction is a complex and chronic condition which can have severe and long-lasting effects on a person’s overall well-being, impacting various aspects of their life including physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being.

Cocaine abuse can damage your organs, impair your immune system, and increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and respiratory problems.
Other health risks of cocaine use impact your psychological health, particularly as it can exacerbate or trigger mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and paranoia. The link between addiction and mental health issues can create a vicious cycle, worsening the symptoms of both and making recovery more challenging.

When it comes to cocaine and weight loss, it’s important to recognise that maintaining a healthy weight is best achieved through a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a sustainable lifestyle. Relying on illegal substances like cocaine for weight loss not only poses significant health risks but also fails to address the underlying factors that contribute to weight management.

Reach Out Today For Cocaine Addiction Support

Seeking help for cocaine addiction and following evidence-based practices is always the recommended approach for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight without the health risks of cocaine use.

Our highly experienced team here at Step 1 Recovery have helped many to overcome their dependency on cocaine. If you’re struggling to cope with a cocaine addiction, reach out to us today for help.