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Alcohol Rehab For Women

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Alcohol addiction in women is a serious issue that can affect health, relationships, and everyday life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, don't hesitate to seek help. Call Step One Recovery Centre for more information on how we can help.

Why Alcohol Addiction Develops

The truth is that alcohol addiction does not discriminate, and there are many reasons why people might become addicted to alcohol.

These can include:

  • Genetics: If your parents or grandparents had problems with alcohol, you might be more likely to have problems, too.
  • Environment: Growing up in a home where people drink a lot or feeling stressed or unhappy can make someone more likely to drink.
  • Early exposure to normalised drinking: Women often start drinking at a younger age than men, which can lead to early dependency. This early exposure increases the likelihood of developing long-term alcohol-related problems.
  • Relationships: Women are more likely to develop alcohol addiction if their partner is also addicted.
  • Mental Health: People with anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems might use alcohol to feel better.
  • How Does Alcohol Affect Women Differently?

    Women have a different tolerance to alcohol compared to men. Women process alcohol through their body less quickly than men and have a smaller Body Mass Index.

    Often a women’s partner is addicted to alcohol, this highly increase the chances of you also developing an alcohol addiction. If this couple are drinking regularly, the women can develop a serious illness before the man, due to how a women’s body is slower to metabolize the alcohol in your system.

    Women statistically start drinking from a younger age then men. This can start with nights out at the local night club to nights in with girlfriends. This habit can also continue alone or be accompanied through drinking partners.

    Alcohol Addiction in Women

    Whilst alcoholism is an unbiased condition that can impact any given person, there are gender specific risks and effects due to these biological differences between men and women.

    Women with alcohol addictions may have encountered early physical and psychological impacts that have contributed to the addiction.

    When a woman is addicted to alcohol the risk of of developing breast cancer, liver disease, fertility issues, and pregnancy complications are highly increased.

    Alcohol addiction in women can also be linked to mental health issues and the alcohol certainly does not help. Due to the interaction between alcohol and the central nervous system, risks of depression, anxiety and bipolar are greater in women when compared against men.

    Our rehab for women specifically is designed to focus on such struggles, offer advice and provide a safe community to collaborate from. Everything from infertility issues to recovering with a child will be approached.

    Stay at a Women’s Rehab

    At Step One Recovery we manage several treatment facilities, all boasting CQC standards and personalised programmes. We can help you if you or someone you care about is abusing alcohol. Offering gender specific facilities and programmes, we assess and follow your needs whilst treating your alcohol problems.

    Gender specific risks, effects and needs must be considered whilst treating alcoholism. Experience the right approach to rehab through our facilities.

    We are here to deliver personalised residential rehab programmes for women. At Step One Recovery, we offer women-led treatment facilities and services. You will feel the benefits of opting for a gender specific rehabilitation process, influencing the treatments and steps that you’ll experience in your recovery.

    Our alcohol rehab clinics are designed specifically for women and will offer a safe and comfortable environment, suitable for a private and intimate recovery process. Rehab facilities are considerate of female needs, from the delivered settings to the addiction treatments on offer.

    Residential rehab will also offer the above gender specific process, alongside a medically accredited, effective, and personalised treatment plan. Everything from the setting of rehab to the treatment programmes will be female led for your benefit.

    With professional support, long-term recovery plans will also be prioritised, helping to reduce relapse risks for women. As post-rehab struggles are found for women, due to the prevalence of co-occurring disorders, rehab is designed to offer further planning, education, and aftercare on relapse prevention.

    Alcohol Treatment

    Our addiction treatments and therapies will be essential for you to complete when you stay at our alcohol rehab. Treatments will focus on withdrawing, detaching and devaluing alcohol as a drug your body relies upon.

    Personal treatment recommendations will also be offered here at Step One Recovery, by assessing and prioritising your personal and gender specific needs.

    Holistic therapies, medically accredited treatments, specialist-led psychotherapy sessions, and wellbeing services will all be promoted through residential rehab. Here’s the treatments and therapies you can expect via alcohol rehab for women.

    • Alcohol detox which is medically assisted to overcome withdrawal symptoms and cravings
    • Cognitive behavioural therapy and dialectical behavioural therapy
    • Family therapy
    • Gender specific therapy groups
    • Relaxation therapy
    • Mental health treatment for dual diagnosis
    • Self-help for women
    • Relapse prevention planning
    • Yoga sessions
    • Psychotherapy
    • Aftercare services
    • Wellbeing and holistic therapies
    • 12 step recovery programmes

    Aftercare Services

    Relapse prevention planning will begin through our rehab programme for women, and we will continue to strengthen awareness and prevention in the future

    We offer 12 months of free aftercare, highly beneficial and tailored for women. Our therapy sessions and groups can be attended, along with making use of general self-help tips.

    We will also provide information on women specific after care services that are local to you that you can access, this will help to continue your recovery away from alcohol addiction and to a bright future.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How long do I stay in Rehab?

    The average rehab stay falls at 4 weeks, providing the most proactive recovery process. Yet for some clients, a longer stay will be recommended, to deliver additional support and treatment. Rehab is designed for residential experiences, meaning that our clients can remain for as long as necessary. Yet it is also important that rehab is a feasible process to complete.

    2. What are the benefits of inpatient drug rehab?

    Inpatient drug rehab is intimate, is medically observed and is fully safe. Programmes are personalised, treatment facilities are private, and admissions are quick. Inpatient rehab offers the best recovery experience, which is found to boost and strengthen recovery rates. Inpatient alcohol rehab for women can also be arranged here at Step One Recovery.

    3. How much does residential rehab cost?

    The cost of residential rehab will depend on several factors. Your location, the specialism of your chosen rehab clinic, the length of your treatment programme and your needs will all impact its cost. We can gauge your budget and help you experience the most affordable yet effective residential rehab programme via our treatment facilities.

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