Amphetamine vs methamphetamine. An image of crystal meth.

Amphetamine vs methamphetamine. They’re two closely connected substances with very different reputations. In the UK, amphetamine abuse is a continuing problem, with deaths related to the drug rising yearly since 2011.

Methamphetamine is more well known as a destructive drug, being the source of major drug issues in the USA. Its use is not as common in the UK, but the drug is still dangerous. To understand more about the addictions to these substances, you should know the difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine, what the signs of addiction are and how you can get help.

With this knowledge, you can make an informed choice on whether you or a loved one needs to go to meth or amphetamine rehab.

What are Amphetamines?

Amphetamines are a drug known as a stimulant. As the name suggests, they speed up the messages between cells in your body, making it function faster. Many amphetamines are legal and can be prescribed by the medical professional. In its recreational and illegal form, amphetamine is more commonly known as speed.

Prescription amphetamines such as Ritalin and Adderall are commonly prescribed to help treat people with ADHD. Amphetamines can also be used to help people with narcolepsy.

These types of amphetamines are used for ADHD as they can help reduce fidgeting, decrease impulsive behaviour, and improve focus and task completion.

What are Methamphetamines?

Methamphetamine is a stimulant that was derived from amphetamine in the 20th century. It is a much more powerful stimulant and dangerous drug that is more commonly known as crystal meth. In this potent form, it is smoked and is a very addictive substance.

Meth is different from amphetamine as the effects last much longer, and it causes a much worse crash – which leads people to seek more readily the high again to cope.

Methamphetamine is illegal to use and, in the UK, is a Class A drug, which puts it on par with cocaine, heroin and ecstasy. In 1968, it was banned from retail pharmacists – unlike in the USA, where forms of it can be prescribed to treat obesity and ADHD.

Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine: Chemical and Structural Differences

When looking at amphetamine vs methamphetamine addiction, it’s important to know why they are different and how this can have an effect on you.

Chemically, amphetamine is known as alpha-methylphenethylamine. It has a basic chemical structure with a phenethylamine core – this breaks down as an amine group attached to a phenyl ring.

Meth has an extra methyl group joined to the amine group. This addition is what makes methamphetamine more potent and the effects of the drug longer lasting.

Amphetamine increases the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Methamphetamine has the same effects on the central nervous system but is more powerful and limits the reabsorption of these neurotransmitters.

Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine: Short-term Effects on the Brain and Body

The effects of amphetamine vs methamphetamine, as explained above, can be very similar as they impact the brain in much the same way.

Effects of Amphetamines

Amphetamine can release more dopamine and norepinephrine, which can enhance cognitive functions. This makes you feel more focused and improves your concentration and ability to pay attention.

Increased norepinephrine will also help give you energy, making you feel more alert and awake. Amphetamine can also suppress your appetite as it affects parts of the brain related to hunger. This is a reason why, in some forms, it can be used to treat obesity.

If snorted, the effects of amphetamine will take only a few minutes to kick in, and the buzz can last between 3 to 6 hours. If ingested via a pill, the effects could take an hour to become apparent.

Effects of Methamphetamines

The effects of amphetamine vs methamphetamine are not different, with meth just adding more on top. Using meth can give you a feeling of intense euphoria and a sense of well-being. The increased energy you get from the drug can tip into hyperactivity, which can be felt almost immediately after smoking crystal meth.

The effects last up to 8 hours, though some, like alertness and reduced appetite, can persist for longer.

Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine: Long-Term Effects and Health Risks

If abused, both substances can have long-lasting health effects.

Sustained amphetamine use can lead to chronic heart problems such as heart failure, heart disease and cardiomyopathy. The immune system can become compromised, and neurological damage is also a possibility.

The most likely outcome is you developing an addiction. Alongside the physical and social problems this can cause. Addiction is also bad for your mental health – which can have wide-ranging and potentially fatal consequences.

Addiction is a long-term consequence of meth use, alongside cognitive decline, extreme weight loss and skin problems. One of the most obvious long-term health risks is severe dental problems – with many methamphetamine users suffering from meth mouth.

Both substances can incur high costs, but the problem associated with meth, like the effects of the drug itself, tend to be more potent and long-lasting.

Amphetamine vs Methamphetamine: Signs and Symptoms of Abuse

If you are wondering whether you need to go to drug rehab, knowing the symptoms of addiction to these substances is vital.

Behavioural and Physical signs of Amphetamine Abuse

  • Increased problems at work and home
  • Social isolation
  • Spending more time obtaining and using amphetamines
  • Headaches
  • Dry mouth
  • Building a tolerance to amphetamines

Behavioural and Physical signs of Methamphetamine Abuse

Continuing to use meth despite the problems it causes:

  • Strong cravings
  • Suffering from withdrawal if you stop
  • Decreased appetite
  • Increased body temperature
  • Noticeable weight loss

The difference in abuse patterns is that meth can have much more disruption on your life as the high last longer. This makes physical symptoms such as weight loss, decreased physical appearance and social problems more apparent.

Addiction Potential and Recovery Challenges

Using a substance doesn’t automatically lead you to drug addiction.

The difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine is their respective addiction potentials. Amphetamine can be, and is, used regularly without becoming addictive. Amphetamine addiction comes when you take more than prescribed. As you build up a tolerance, soon a dependence and then addiction will follow.

If taken for the wrong reasons or recreationally, amphetamines have a high potential for addiction.

Methamphetamine is seen as one of the most addictive drugs as it is so fast-acting. The crash you experience after taking stimulants is much worse than other drugs and makes you more likely to go on a binge to chase the high. With increased meth use, your boy builds up a quicker tolerance.

Because of the addiction potential, both substances bring their challenges to recovery. As amphetamines may be helping deal with something like ADHD, moving away from them to avoid addiction can make your life harder even after you are clean. The potency of meth can make it hard to recover from, and it is known to worsen psychosis symptoms that can lead to life-long management.

Treatment Options for Addiction

Both addictions can treated using similar approaches.

Therapy and medication can help you deal with amphetamine addiction. Pursued in a rehab setting, you can more effectively deal with your addiction and use therapy to learn better coping skills.

In both cases, detoxification is important. Purging yourself of the harmful toxins through a methamphetamine or amphetamine detox will help your body begin the healing process. After detox, behavioural therapy is important to help you alter thought processes and change how you approach issues in your life.

To deal with any addiction, it is important to follow a treatment plan that has been catered to your situation and is comprehensive. The goal is to get clean and provide you with tools to ensure long-term recovery.

Get Help Now

Amphetamine and methamphetamine are closely linked substances, but the latter is far more potent and has zero medical use. At Step 1, we can provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about whether crystal meth rehab or any other help is required.

If you want the Step 1 experience, contact us now at +44 (0) 330 107 2950.