Cannabis plant

Although cannabis can be prescribed in some countries to treat depression, cannabis can also be the cause of depression.

Cannabis causes a depressive high which means it slows your brain down. For some people, medical marijuana can be used to reduce pain and anxiety. Many people use CBD oil to achieve this effect without getting high.
In the UK, medical cannabis is a controlled substance. It may be prescribed in rare cases, such as with rare epilepsy or chemotherapy.

The illegal use of cannabis is smoked through a joint or a bong, but it is also not uncommon for it to be added to food to feel a more powerful effect.

The problem with cannabis is that it gets your brain used to a slow, relaxed sensation. This can cause serious mental health problems when you stop using it, such as anxiety and depression.

Depression can be formed because using weed causes your brain to experience a dopamine spike. This rush is often associated with being high. It can cause your brain to become dependent and lead to an addiction.

Addiction is all-consuming and exhausting and often accompanies depression or anxiety. While cannabis can have positives, just like any drug, risks are always involved. And unfortunately, the risk is depression.

Link Between Cannabis Use and Depression

It can be difficult to understand the link between cannabis and depression.

The medical community has many working theories about what causes depression from cannabis. It could be a combination of the factors or as simple as certain people having a genetic factor that makes it easier for their brain to develop depression.

Either way, make sure you read the following carefully.

Change in Brain Chemistry
Changing brain chemistry due to Tetrahydrocannabinol, a chemical found in cannabis, can easily cause depression. Brain chemistry is a delicate system. Having any changes brought on can cause serious mental health issues. Tetrahydrocannabinol can disrupt the part of your brain that produces serotonin and dopamine, leaving your brain unable to produce rewards.

Genetics and Depression
Some people are genetically more vulnerable to the effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol, meaning a dose of cannabis that could have little effect on one person and cause a reaction that introduces depression or even psychosis.

Cannabis Addiction
Cannabis addiction can lead to lifestyle changes that impact your happiness. It can cause you to become isolated and lethargic, leaving you to develop depression due to environmental factors. Heavy or prolonged cannabis use can lead to an addiction, and an addiction can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can cause depression along with many other mental health issues. It is recommended if you are a heavy user that you don’t quit or withdraw from cannabis alone.

Cannabis as a Coping Mechanism for Depression

Some people use cannabis to manage their existing depression. It is no secret that getting help for a mental health problem in the UK is difficult.

This leads to many people self-medicating to get through the day. While it may seem confusing to use a depressive for depression, you need to consider depression symptoms.

Depression can cause insomnia despite feeling as though you have no energy. Many people rely on cannabis to sleep during these episodes.

Cannabis can also provide small bursts of dopamine, which can seem like a lot when your brain is going without any.
However, despite some apparent benefits, cannabis is not an alternative to real psychiatric help. If anything, it will numb symptoms allowing them to potentially become worse. Covering up the problem with depression is dangerous.

Cannabis also has the effect of lowering your inhibitions. This means there is a link between consumption by those with depression and suicidal thoughts or actions to deal with their mental illness.

There is no easy cure for depression. It is a long and complicated process that needs professional help such as cannabis rehab. Even anti-depressants aren’t a guaranteed treatment. They must be closely monitored to see if they are helping.

Cannabis used to cope with depression is unmonitored and often used heavily for prolonged periods. It causes damage to the brain that will only make depression worse.

Why Does Weed Cause Mental Health Problems?

Cannabis causes mental health problems because of a few key factors.

● Environment – Cannabis often means that you won’t prioritise your living situation. It could be messy or crowded. It could even lead you to hang out in areas where you can freely use drugs that aren’t nice. A pleasant environment can do wonders for your mental health, but a bad one can cause it to plummet.
● Social – Drug use can cause you to become isolated from friends and family. Humans are social creatures, so this isolation can seriously impact your brain.
● Changing brain chemistry – Brain chemistry is delicate, and prolonged changes can have a ripple effect that can lead to depression, anxiety, and even psychosis.
● Societal – many people feel guilt and pressure because of their cannabis use. They fear being arrested or losing their home or job because of it.

A person’s mental health is a personal journey that requires years of work and upkeep to maintain a positive one.

Cannabis can act as a spanner tossed into the cogs that are your mental health. It can cause damage in all areas that are important to maintaining good mental health. It can affect your life in many ways than most people realise.

Seeking Professional Help for Cannabis and Depression

If you want to make a change, then you need professional help. Mental health is confusing and needs years of training to understand.

You can’t do this alone; you need the help of someone who understands depression and drug use.
The first thing you can do is find a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting. They are a great place to start as they will introduce you to many next steps.

If you want a more intense solution at Step One Recovery, we can provide you with access to drug rehab centres. There you will be able to fully immerse yourself in everything about recovering.

You will learn how to manage your mental health and avoid unhealthy behaviours that ultimately hurt you.
We understand that this is scary. That’s why we are here, so you don’t have to go through this alone. Call today on +44 (0) 800 012 6006.