Group of people in faith based rehab

The journey from addiction to recovery is a very personal path, and for many this journey is intertwined with spiritual beliefs. All around the UK, there are faith-based rehabilitation programmes which offer a unique approach to addiction recovery and healing.

While each rehab programme is different, typically programmes use traditional treatment methods alongside spiritual principles. Here, we delve into faith-based rehab in more detail and assess the effectiveness and success of a faith-based rehab.

Understanding Faith-Based Rehabilitation

Faith-based rehab is a type of addiction recovery that focuses on spiritual health. Unlike traditional treatment programmes that only focus on physical and psychological aspects of addiction, faith-based rehab combines spiritual counselling and practices that are based on a particular faith and its traditions.

Faith-based rehabilitation doesn’t endorse one type of religion and can instead be used by multi faiths including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and more.

Some of the most well-known addiction recovery groups including Alcoholics Anonymous AA and Narcotics Anonymous NA use faith-based addiction recovery practices in their 12-step initiatives.

What is a Faith-Based Rehab Success Rate?

When we refer to success rates, we are talking about various metrics that determine how successful the programme is. This includes an individual’s sustained sobriety, the quality of life after treatment and relapse rates.

Just like traditional rehab centres around the UK, evaluating the success of faith-based recovery programmes can be difficult as these metrics are often subjective and dependent on personal goals. However, it is important to note that both faith-based recovery groups and standard rehab centres have been proven to help individuals to get better after addiction.

Faith-Based Rehab Success Rates

Current data on the outcomes of individuals in faith-based rehab centres is scarce and varied. For example, some studies show that those who engage in faith-based recovery groups have a higher chance of prolonged sobriety as well as a greater overall experience and satisfaction with their treatment. However, when compared to date from standard rehab centres, the success rates can be comparable. If faith and spirituality is a huge part of your life, however, it is important to consider that faith-based approaches could offer a potential edge.

Across the world, a study by the Southern Medical Journal found that those in faith-based rehab reported high levels of satisfaction and a 40% abstinence rate after treatment. But another study by the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment found no significant difference in the one-year abstinence rates between faith-based and secular centres.

Despite this, in the UK, research suggests that faith-based organisations can play a significant role in the recovery community.

Factors Contributing to the Success of Faith-Based Rehabilitation

Just like any rehab programme, there are several factors which can contribute to the success and effectiveness of the treatment. Community support is often essential for those in rehab and afterwards as it provides a network of likeminded individuals who can offer understanding, guidance and empathy.

In addition to this, spiritual counselling can offer deeper insight and understanding into your personal values and purpose. This alone can be very powerful for recovery motivation.

Finally, the addition of prayer, meditation and other religious practices can provide that much-needed support, guidance and coping mechanisms for those in recovery and help some people to find the answers and path they need.

The Challenges in Evaluating Faith-Based Rehab Success

The main reason that it’s so hard to measure rehab success is because both addiction and recovery are very varied and complex. Programmes differ in approach, duration, treatment and intensity.

The aftercare process can also vary which makes direct comparisons challenging. In addition, individuals vary greatly too as well as their addiction, the severity of it, any concurrent mental health issues and their readiness for recovery which all have an impact on success rates.

There is also what’s known as self-selection bias, which is where individuals who are already inclined towards spirituality may choose faith-based treatment and be more likely to report positive outcomes, which can again impact overall results.

Key Considerations When Selecting a Faith-Based Rehab Programme

Choosing a rehab centre and programme isn’t a decision that should be made lightly, and instead the following factors need to be considered in order to find a programme that aligns with your personal beliefs and goals.

  • Personal faith match – To ensure the overall comfort level and effectiveness.
  • Respect for diversity – Where the environment is inclusive and values individual differences and personal spiritual journeys.
  • Treatment approach and philosophy – Consider a centre that focuses on the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health needs and uses evidence-based practices.
  • Support systems – Look into the community and aftercare aspect of the programme as these can be a significant source of encouragement and accountability.
  • Family involvement – Not every centre allows family therapy and support so if this is important for you, bear this in mind. Studies also show that addiction recovery is often more successful with family involvement.
  • Personal comfort – Evaluate your readiness for a faith-based approach. Recovery is personal, and being comfortable with the rehab environment is critical for success.

Lots of people question whether you must be religious to attend a faith-based rehabilitation programme. The answer is no, but you do need to be open to spirituality and faith and respect the programme’s approach to treatment before signing up. If not, you could be asked to leave, and your chances of success will likely be limited too.

How Step 1 Recovery Can Help

If you are considering faith-based rehab for yourself, or a loved one, or simply would like more details, we have more resources to guide you through your options. What’s more, we offer tailored faith-based treatment programmes that are designed to support both your physical, psychological and spiritual recovery from addiction.

To learn more about this might benefit you, contact us today for personalised information. And if you’re ready to explore deeper into faith-based addiction treatment and rehab, take the first crucial step towards us today and reach out. This could be the beginning of a truly transformative journey to lasting sobriety and recovery.