Benefits of Drinking Less Alcohol - an image of a smiling woman drinking coffee with a friend.

Although it’s general knowledge that drinking less alcohol is good for the body – there are some specifics that could be surprising.

From how well the body can recover to the how-tos on realistically drinking less alcohol, read more on the benefits of drinking less alcohol below.

The Health Benefits of Drinking Less Alcohol

Reducing alcohol consumption offers numerous health benefits, enhancing both physical and mental well-being. When you begin to reduce alcohol intake, it may take some time to see the full, holistic nature of bodily improvements, but rest assured your body is working hard to get itself back to a healthy, sober state.

From a physical perspective, some of the most prominent benefits of drinking less alcohol include, but are not limited to:

  • Lowered risk of chronic disease
  • Lowered risk of cancer
  • Improvement of the immune system
  • Reduction of visceral fat
  • Improved digestion

These are issues that can be seriously debilitating if not addressed, and a reduction of alcohol intake can assist in getting to a healthier stage of life.

Psychological Benefits of Drinking Less Alcohol

The benefits of drinking less alcohol are not only physical but also psychological. The psychological benefits of drinking less alcohol include the likes of improved mood due to the reduction of disruption of all important neurotransmitters in the brain.

Alcohol has the potential to disturb the transmitters that are responsible for keeping us emotionally stable and happy, meaning a reduction of intake can result in a more balanced mood and harmonious workings of the brain’s neurotransmitters.

Aside from a general improvement of mood and a reduction of anxieties and stress, some more specific psychological benefits of drinking less alcohol may include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Better cognitive function
  • Improvement in quality of sleep
  • Improvement in regulating emotions
  • Higher motivation and confidence
  • Reduced risk of mental health disorders and psychosis

How to Reduce Alcohol Intake

So, while you may know the benefits of drinking less alcohol, the prospect is arguably easier said than done, particularly for heavy drinkers or social drinkers.

Some steps to take when it comes to reducing alcohol intake include the following.

Step 1: Put a Plan in Place

If you’re a drinker who is easily persuaded, think about how you can reject offers and plan what you can occupy yourself with other than alcohol.

This plan will help you stick to a goal, and over time, hitting these goals will help you see the true benefits of cutting back.

Step 2: Try Changing Your Drink of Choice

If you’re thinking of reducing it slowly, a good way to lower the unit volume is to switch your drink. For instance, if you’re drinking double spirits, switch to a single and reduce slowly but surely.

Thereafter, you can begin to switch from alcoholic drinks to the non-alcoholic version and slowly taper alcohol out of your outgoings.

Step 3: Stick to Your Plan & Take Up New Hobbies

It is never going to be easy making a lifestyle change, especially if alcohol is a big part of your social life. However sticking to a plan and a goal is going to be the best way of providing yourself with some level of incentive.

A good way to resist temptation is to replace alcohol with new hobbies. Whether it is meeting up with friends for coffee in exchange for a pint or taking some ‘you’ time in place of drinking alcohol. In order to do this, it all boils down to having a secure plan in place and even better so, a good support system around you.

What Changes to Expect When Drinking Less Alcohol

While physically and psychologically, changes are going to be positive, it is good to prepare yourself for an adjustment period.
In the UK, in particular, alcohol consumption is embedded in culture as a way of socialisation, although new trends are showing that young people are drinking less overall.

You may find that people who you once regarded as good friends begin to distance themselves since your connection to them was, indeed, alcohol.

However, it’s important not to let this get in the way of any form of recovery. Even if you’re not addicted to alcohol, it can be easy to give up on the process of reduction if you’re socially pressured back into it.

Remember, good friends and support systems will stick by your side, so let them in on the process so they can help you, too.

Get Help Today

Are you struggling with your alcohol intake? Or concerned about your loved one? Whatever it is, it can be easy for alcohol intake to spiral into an addiction.

Don’t let addiction get any worse. If you’re abusing alcohol – it is time for professional help.

Talk to us at Step1 Recovery to find out how we can help those suffering from alcohol abuse disorder all over the UK today at +44 (0) 800 012 6006.