5 Ways To Recognise And Tackle Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Drug and alcohol addictions impair the lives of thousands of people in England alone each year.

Although many individuals will experience symptoms related to addictions, these are often overlooked and put down to generally feeling unwell.

As a result, many addictions are frequently left untreated.

However, as addictions impose vicious cycles on those suffering, it is not uncommon for an individual’s physical and psychological health to become significantly modified as an addiction escalates.

Considering this, treatment must be sought for addiction as soon as possible.

If you have recently become reliant on drugs or alcohol and are worried that an addiction could be impairing your life, it is essential to recognise and tackle a drug and alcohol addiction before it spirals beyond your control.

However, at Step One Recovery, we appreciate that this is often easier said than done.

In order to help you, we have outlined our 5 ways to recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction below.

1.Consider Whether You Experience Any Symptoms Associated With Drug and Alcohol Addictions

As touched on above, when a drug or alcohol addiction begins to impair an individual’s life, many symptoms will often arise. However, for various reasons, these symptoms are often overlooked.

If you are worried that an addiction is present in your life, one of the first ways to recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction is to consider whether you experience any of the symptoms commonly associated with addiction.

It is crucial to bear in mind that due to the very nature of addictions, symptoms will be physical, psychological and behavioural. You may not encounter all of the symptoms that accompany addictions, but it is worth seeking support if you experience just one or two.

Below, we have outlined just a number of symptoms that come hand-in-hand with addiction.

  • Intense mood swings
  • Cravings for substances
  • Headaches and nausea
  • Frequently feeling irritable and agitated
  • Feeling restless
  • Suffering from insomnia
  • Experiencing paranoia and anxiety
  • Lack of self-worth
  • Isolating yourself from your loved ones
  • Becoming increasingly secretive

2.Review How Often You Consume Drugs and Alcohol

If you are hoping to recognise whether a drug or alcohol addiction is impairing your life, at Step One Recovery, we would recommend reviewing how often you consume drugs and alcohol. While consuming under the recommended volume of alcohol a few times a week will not necessarily indicate that you have become addicted to alcohol, consuming over the recommended units of alcohol on a daily basis, for example, could indicate that you have developed an alcohol addiction.

Should you find yourself consuming substances on a daily basis, you may have become reliant on drugs or alcohol. As a result, you will find it increasingly difficult to go long periods without substances.

3.Ask Yourself The Following Questions

In addition to the above, there are a number of questions that you can ask yourself to recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction. However, you must answer the questions honestly. Below, we have shared a wealth of questions that you could ask yourself to help you recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction.

    • Do I consume drugs or alcohol on a daily basis?
    • Do I consume large quantities of drugs or alcohol on a daily basis?
    • Do I find it difficult to concentrate when I am unable to consume substances?
    • Do I rely on substances to help me navigate my day-to-day life?
    • Do I consume substances to help mitigate stress or a mental health disorder?
    • Have I ever experienced any withdrawal symptoms?
    • Has a family member, friend, employer or employee approached me about my drug and alcohol consumption?

If you have said yes to any of the above questions, an addiction to either drugs or alcohol may well be impairing the quality of your life.

4.Seek Advice From Our Admissions Team

Having reviewed our first three ways to recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction, you may have a clearer idea of whether you have developed an addiction to drugs or alcohol. If you have come to appreciate that an addiction is indeed present in your life, we would highly recommend seeking advice from our admissions team.

By calling us, our team will listen to the symptoms you experience and ask you a number of questions that will help them ascertain whether they believe you need to secure treatment for an addiction.

Should our admissions team believe that you require treatment, they will offer you a wealth of advice and guidance to ensure that you are able to acquire the help you need. Our admissions team will also be able to help you determine how to discuss your addiction with your loved ones.

5.Attend Our Residential Rehab For Treatment

Upon reviewing our 5 ways to recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction, if you have realised that a drug or alcohol addiction has come to control your life, it is vital that you attend a drug and alcohol rehab for treatment.

At Step One Recovery, we provide personalised treatment programmes that have helped thousands of individuals recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addiction at our residential centre. Our treatment programmes typically consist of a medically induced detoxification, rehabilitation, therapy, and aftercare support.

Regardless of the treatment you are offered, we will help you recognise the factors that have caused your addiction to arise. As you come to appreciate said factors, our recovery team will assist you as you develop strategies that will essentially help you overcome any triggers that could cause you to relapse in the future.


Contact Us Today

Having reviewed our 5 ways to recognise and tackle drug and alcohol addictions, if you would like to speak with us to discuss the treatment that we can offer you, we welcome you to call us directly on 0330 107 2950.

We know that taking the first step in overcoming a drug and alcohol addiction is daunting. Yet, with our help, we are confident that you will have the ability to secure a long-term recovery.