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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Norwich

Looking for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Cambridge? If so, our team can help.

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Norwich Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centres

We have rehab centres near Norwich and abroad. Discuss your options with us today.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Norwich

Has your drug and alcohol consumption recently increased, under no control of your own? Have you noticed that you’re becoming more and more dependent on addictive substances? If so, you’re in the right place.

Living with any form of a negative relationship with drugs and alcohol can be difficult. Without previous addiction recovery experience, you’ll probably have little knowledge of where to turn to.

Family members may understand, yet lack specialist guidance to consider your next best steps. You may have reached out to Norwich-based free treatment services, yet you’ve waited through a significant delay, likely to continue.

If you’re feeling lost through a potential drug and alcohol addiction, here at Step 1 Recovery, we can help you. We offer a specialist referral service, helping clients find the most effective and appropriate rehab programmes.

With this in mind, we can help you find a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, offering convenience, comfort and a true probability of overcoming your problems with drugs and alcohol. For insight into our service and what to expect from a drug and alcohol rehab programme, see below or reach out to our team.

Am I Living with a Drug and Alcohol Dependency?

In advance of completing a rehab programme, it is first important to understand where you stand with drugs and alcohol. This will benefit our referral services, along with offering motivation to overcome your behavioural addiction.

With this in mind, you should ask yourself the following:

Can I stop my drug and alcohol consumption with ease?
Do I depend on drugs and alcohol to get through a certain period or life event?
Have I developed any mental health issues?
Has my life changed, for the worst, down to drugs and alcohol?
Do I spend a lot of time with others who abuse drugs and alcohol?
Have my family members or friends commented on my consumption?
Am I truly happy with my current life?

By answering the above questions, honestly, you should be able to gauge whether you’re living with a drug and alcohol dependency. If any negativity has been experienced, coinciding with your consumption, a drug and alcohol addiction could be present, requiring immediate rehabilitation.

For our professional assessment, along with our rehab recommendations, reach out today. Visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich may be your best chance at changing your life.

Will I Benefit From Visiting a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

Whether you’re living with a drug and alcohol addiction or a milder case of substance abuse, you will benefit from attending a localised drug and alcohol rehab centre. Through our partnering, Norwich-based treatment centre, a suitable level of addiction treatment will be available for all. Likewise, this will also be the case when thinking about the delivery of those treatments, opting between outpatient and residential rehab.

However, the only way you will benefit from available support and treatment is by committing yourself to the prospect of long-term recovery. With the right mindset and an effective rehab programme, you will experience the value of recovery.

How will I Find a Suitable Rehab Facility?

Through our referral services here at Step 1 Recovery, we can help you find a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich. However, before rehab referrals can be made, a greater understanding of your history with drugs and alcohol will be required.

Although an initial assessment may be difficult to complete, especially for individuals with personal and emotional triggers, this step is a necessity to ensure that a suitable rehab facility is selected.

By understanding your physical and mental health, your drug and alcohol consumption, your addictive behaviours and your end recovery goals, we can find a rehab facility fit for your purpose.

To benefit from this handheld approach, reach out to our team. Admission into the right drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich will be possible, along with the commencement of your own personalised treatment plan.

How Long Will a Rehab Programme Take to Complete?

Rehab programmes can vary, depending on a number of factors. With this in mind, you should consider this level of flexibility before committing to a comprehensive rehab programme.

Although the average rehab programme can last 28 days, identified as an optimal period to unravel old habits and form new ones, your personal programme may be shorter or longer. It will all depend on your susceptibility to addiction treatment, your progression and whether you require additional mental health support.

What Type of Treatment Options Will I Complete?

Through a Norwich-based rehab centre, you will be welcomed with a bespoke treatment programme. Yet, a combination of highly effective and utilised treatment options will likely be completed, offering holistic recovery opportunities.

You will likely complete the following:

A drug and alcohol detox programme
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Therapy sessions with leading addiction counsellors
Motivational therapy
Wellness activities
Mental health support
Relapse prevention planning

This combination of treatment options will ensure that you can recover both physically and mentally, offering an all-around chance to overcome a drug and alcohol addiction. Please be mindful that addiction treatment options may vary slightly when completing your own rehab programme.

Am I Likely to Recover From Addiction?

Completing a comprehensive rehab programme can influence recovery. There are many success stories linked to visiting our partnering drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich.

However, it is important to note that rehab will influence your initial recovery while setting you up for ongoing maintenance. Yet, for recovery to continue, you must commit to the long-term changes, communicated through rehab. Your lifestyle, your behaviours, your choices, your routines and your relationships should all be selected and maintained around the prospect of sobriety.

As a result of this, yes, you are likely to recover if you invest yourself in rehab. However, you must continue to apply yourself to post-rehab recommendations and services.

If you’re hoping to recover locally, feel free to contact our team here at Step 1 Recovery. We can help you select the most suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich while progressing you through the admissions process.